1. Start here
If this is your first time here and you’re not quite sure where to start then don’t worry you’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find all the information you need to get started including some of our most popular resources. Then feel free to click on our Destinations Page or select the type of trip you’re looking to go on and we’ll help you plan your next holiday!


Once you’ve picked your destination, the next thing to do is set a budget. This will help you identify where you can do on your trip and how long to stay. Decide if you want to travel solo (click here for my guide to travelling solo), go with friends or family or join a travel tour. Then it’s time to book your flight and accommodation and start planning your itinerary. I have lots of itineraries to choose from so once you’re set on a country why not head to our Destinations Page to start planning your trip!

Whilst planning the details of your trip to might run into issues or concerns – are you struggling to keep to budget? Is this your first solo trip? Has Covid-19 come to ruin your day? Don’t worry, here at The Luxury Travellist we’ve compiled a number of guides to help you on your way!

One of the best parts of travelling and making memories can be the company you spend it with which is why here at The Luxury Travellist we’ve made sure to create a wonderful community of like-minded travellers where you can connect with other female travellers and share your favourite destinations with each other. To be part of the community, receive exclusive travel content and be part of our FREE travel giveaways, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter below.

Join our wonderful community of female travellers and get a copy of my money-saving guide as well as exclusive travel tips, giveaways and more!